The GBTD is an innovative technology platform that automates all the processes that shape the reality of the medium and low railway lines of density of rail traffic.
Why the need for a lock manager by means of Digital phone block?
Because there is a need in the global rail system to replace the methods used to establish a Lock Phone (BT) that rely on verbal communications between the Traffic Dispatchers and other staff involved in the movement of the trains, and the handwritten record of telephone calls in different books.
Why Digital phone block is the kernel of GBTD system?
Because the phone block is a communication and / or notification radius of a text with a prescribed format which registration has the same validity as a written document to be security-related operations. Are placed and received personally by the staff responsible. Conform to the formulas set out in the General Traffic Regulation and must be recorded in the book or books for that purpose, noting the number of order received or issued, time, text and signature.
How is carried out?
Using a graphical environment that helps the operator in the taking of control decisions circulations under Phone Lock, and assisting in the dispatch, registration, and transmission of phone block digitally, performing radio respecting formulas established in the General Traffic Regulation (RGC).
Simulation Environment
Environment for operator training with the same appearance as the application of operation, in which, the acquisition of records exchange of Digital phone block provenance from a centralized database replica. Are different sceneries available (presets, an instant photo of Exploitation, etc.) that simulate the behavior of GBTD, and movement of trains.
Reconstruction Environment
This environment reproduced, thanks to the events recorded with the mark date and time sequences showing rail traffic in deferred time and sequentially in a video graphics system, the digital phone block exchanged between Traffic Dispatchers of PLOs and / or CTC, the established routes or cancelled, controls dispatch by the operators, etc…
The data processing is not security, but is reliable and commonly used for the analysis of incidents in the Exploitation. This application is eminently graphic.
Remote Monitoring
It enables operators and users with authorization control have a remote monitoring environment of GBTD. This application aims to have, in any PC located at the CTC or any other place, the monitoring of the application as if they were a virtual TEG.
Juridical Recording Unit (JRU)
Each of the Local Office (PLOs) and Center for Centralized Traffic Control (CTC) has a Juridical Recording Unit. The Juridical Recording Unit (JRU) has the ability to store both the state changes of GBTD variables, breakdowns and failures that are produced and detected in it, such as digital phone block exchanged between agents, either made from PLOs or CTC.
The main objective of Juridical Recording Unit is to permit, in the event of an incident, the reconstruction of the system state at the time that the incident occurred, so that the JRU performs the following functions:
- Prevent accidental or intentional deletion of stored data.
- Allow users to properly handle the recovery of such data locally or remotely.
- Be protected against vandalism and fire.
Operating Environment
From GBTD can control the establishment of routes in all Traffic Control Bands or geographic local areas in lines medium and low of traffic density.
The GBTD is equipped with regard to equipment both software and hardware, to develop the following basic functions:
The GBTD is equipped with equipment both software and hardware, to develop the following basic functions:
- Videographic representation on monitors, projection systems and other display equipment.
- Allocation control of Traffic Control Bands
- Communication with Local Job Operation (PLO).
- Management itineraries by Digital phone block
Operating Plan
GBTD used the Operating Plan as core inside a data integration model, using mainly:
- Commercial information of the train:
- Number of technical circulation and technical time of passage through checkpoints on the way.
- Information planned of railway circulation
- Identifiers and type of vehicle that constitutes the train.
- Information on the supervision and control delays.
- Restrictions on the infrastructure, platforms and tracks out of service, temporary speed limits on certain sections, etc.
Alarm and event management
All alarms are presented in GBTD by means of audible signal at the different stations of operation (CTC and PLOs). These alarms are implemented in such a manner that ensures the TEG involved is conscious.
Additional Features
In addition to the basic features, include additionally other applications listed in this section.
- Management areas of incompatibility of routes to sections without tension in catenary or non-electrified.
- Management of Temporary Speed Restrictions and rail protection areas.
- Indications of trains running late or advance through railway track.
- Control and management of excessive duration of events.
Communication with Geographic Information System (GIS)
In addition to real-time communications with the systems described in previous sections, in the GBTD has predicted the future sharing of information in real time with a Geographic Information System (GIS).
- Increases operational safety by minimizing the probability of human error, eliminating the possibility of alteration and / or handling.
- Reduces time to acquire data in real time of the Operating Plan.
- Registration number of hardware, with unalterable and legal validity of the registration system unification of all phone block, sent and received by the agents.
- Decreased the time of collection records.
- Distribution of the Regulation Bands between the Local Office (PLOs) and the Centralized Traffic Control (CTCs) in diverse flexible configurations.
- Have several environments to support the operation.
- Standard graphical interface that allows: an overview of the state of circulations relying exclusively on nominative digital phone block, and the establishing of routes.
- Environment swap of digital phone block between Traffic Dispatchers, with ergonomic appearance, as similar to the structure, colours and sizes of existing books of phone blocks.
- Historical and alarm system.
- Commissioning of a line without calculating incompatibilities between routes thanks to an innovative online editing tool rail.